Sunday, February 8, 2009

Auto Travel

What are good self-cars - the trip was due to have. Freedom of movement - just one of many advantages. 
However, independence is the other side: had to choose the route itself, to get acquainted with the sights ¬ styami and solve everyday issues. It is not difficult, but this must be prepared. 
When planning your trip, you must answer a total of three main issues: how to use that to watch and where to live. In respect of Motor France barely knows himself equal ¬ governmental. The roads here are very good, though the fare they pay. However, the comfort of local highways well worth the money. 
Determined by the housing will be in place. In the big cities is better to live in the center - all the attractions nearby, as posleobeden ¬ nuyu heat can wait in the room. If you are willing to pay for a double room from € 50, then you should immediately contact the city tourist ¬ Volga office in France - Oyyue Ye (oipkte) and you select the desired. If you want cheap housing (from 30 euros per room without toilet), one must walk in terms ¬ central squares or in the vicinity of the railway station and look for signs No1e1 suitable accommodation there in an hour. 
At the transport preferable camping. Outdoors in a tent (you can take the night in a rental) or bungalows and pleasant, and cheaper. Find camping starts with the exit from the motorway. At the high-speed roads pointers camping is more the exception to the rules and are extremely rare.

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