Sunday, February 8, 2009

French manners

Most French do not like the English speech, so if you do not know the French language, it is better to just say that you are Russian. The French even studied English in school, can pretend that did not understand a single word in English. Better just to say: Excuse me, but I speak only English or Russian. What language do you prefer? 
Now, however, very noticeable Americanization of French, which was called «frangle». The government of France even enacted a law under which the citizens of the Republic in public places should only be used French words and phrases, the same law applies to radio and television. 
Polite and gallant, in the universal ¬ schemu opinion, the French are more than used treatment ¬ «you» in communicating with strangers and speaking seniors. The reasons, according to research ¬ ment sociologists few. First, in France «¬ lived las» concept «horizontal management», which is based on the premise: «All people are equal and to treat any person ¬ should be as an equal». And secondly, the use of pronouns «you» creates the illusion of a closer, from ¬ open and honest communication. 
By phone does not disturb the person later 21.00, for a business call, better call the office. 
In a good hotel is better not to come with the packages from Tati, or other cheap stores. That does not make a better impression. 
French - moderate people, they are reasonable and prudent. They are very friendly and polite, never tell you the truth in the face, while the French are little, all other nations: the British feel arrogant and boring, the Americans - zhadnovatymi and hypocritical Russians - rude.

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