Sunday, February 8, 2009


The origins of French boxing - Savatier - attributed to Thai arts, almost deprived of the rules. From the South-East Asia in the middle of the XVIII century, the struggle was brought to France, where some changed and became its main features. Foremost among them was the technique kicking, Obuchi in a heavy working shoes. In French the word means sava1e stoptanny old shoe. He gave the name of the fight stevedore. After some time, boxing and possessed higher levels of society. It was even the father of Alexandre Dumas. Today Savatier introduced a system of physical education in the country and is considered a national sport. They deal with almost everything: there is even the program «Kangaroo» for children from 6 to 14 years, as well as «Savatier-Forms» Women's reminiscent aerobics or shaping. 
Homeland wheel. The first official competition of cycling was held in France in 1869. Participants at the wooden bikes broke 120 miles between Rouen and Paris for about 12 hours. In 1903 was born the most famous cycle race world - «Tour de France», the length of the route which is about 5500km. The idea of «Tour de France» belongs to the French journalist Geo Lefevre to host several velogonok, the results of which will add up. 

French tennis «Roland Garros» - one of the four tournaments of the Greater helmet. Conducted annually for two weeks in late May - early June in Paris. The first tournament was held in 1891, and in the 1925th, he has received international status. 

Walking stick instead of swords 
Cannes - is fencing on a stick. This kind of struggle was known even in medieval France. It was formed from the usual fencing on swords, sword or saber. Subsequently, the remedy has become a normal and a cane, which has become a good alternative to traditional weapons. She helped the men from the educated strata of society adequately reflect the sudden attack of street hooligans. Today, Cannes - a popular sport in France. Special cane thickness from 1,5 to 2sm and long 95sm made from chestnut chestnut tree. Competitions are held in Cannes in protective suits, which excludes the application of trauma.

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