Sunday, February 8, 2009


Empire (French emrige - «empire» of lat. Inregiut - «¬ ment command», «power»), hu ¬ dozhestvenny style originating in France ¬ tion at the beginning of the XIX century, in an era of domination of Napoleon Bonaparte, lasted only 16 years old - from the end of directors (1799) to the restoration of the Bourbons dynasty (1815) - and managed to re ¬ return from the legs at the head of the fashion and beauty, but stremitel ¬ gone the way of safety losnezhnyh Semiconductors ¬ ¬ zrachnyh Tunik, ¬ refocus their clothes Greek statues, to the grandiose splendor of brocade and velvet, fur and feathers, brought from the conquered countries. Symbolizing the glory and power of Napoleon's French Empire was as its undoubted masterpieces, as well as application ¬ ture kicha inherent in all the empire for ¬ dvorkam. 

«Nagaya» fashion 
Dressed in the fashion of ladies, even at the age of empire today ¬ tion glance look almost naked. Thin tunics, 1 - I - jacket without sleeves, with cuts to her thighs on the sides, barely covered her breasts. Ballroom toilets of muslin, gas or kisei was almost transparent, with underwear replaced with flesh-colored tights or absence ¬ gross at all. Sometimes a slightly damp cloth before balom that sticks to the body tunic clearer picture figure. 
Men's ideals 
For the first time in the history of the Empire has made men's clothes in a business suit, in which inappropriate bright colors and an abundance of jewelry. Membership of the owner to the privileged classes are completely cut ¬ elegant, masterly execution, quality fabrics, white linen. Showcase prosperity and social status of her husband, a woman in society. Legislators female fashion in this era was the French tailors, and men, despite a generally ¬ nyatomu opinion - Great Britain. 

Egyptian motifs 
While the bottom of the female figures of all the wind blows, the top was equipped with no less than if ¬ hotlivoy lightly. Long kid could go high for the elbow, on the right ¬ llama etiquette ladies hand was to be closed, so perchat ¬ ki not filming or on the street or in the on ¬ premises. Ladies wrap up in until ¬ rogie cashmere shawls, which, during a military expedition Napo ¬ Leon were first brought out of Egypt. Protected from the sun a couple ¬ salt - little lace zones ¬ tic. Embroidered reticule serving container handkerchief, vee ¬ ra, spirits and other vitally needed dimyh ¬ subjects. 

Victims of Fashion 
In the following favorite style of ladies reach the point of absurdity. Dressed in a «¬ rome profit» tunics women trembling in poorly heated Parisian salons. In France, even a saying: «To be beautiful, and you can hit», later rephrased in Russia as a «beauty demands victims». 
It was thought that the ladies should be 365 cap, as many pairs of shoes, but only 12 shirts. Style headcoverings changed frequently. More often than not wore hats - «kibitku», and from 1812 to 1814 spread hats, remind ¬ shie busby. 

What is the difference between the French woman from the Russian grew ¬? They are not afraid of color, and we go about it ¬ components. But on the other hand, in Paris, I was sometimes afraid of ladies, who called ¬ that is, «pionerki rear and front pensioner». This is especially noticeable when coming to the se ¬ zones haute couture. Look, is before you commit ¬ completely delightful woman from behind at ¬ - slender legs, posture, hair'm ¬ WIDE. But as soon as she turns to face you, it is, sorry, just bad ... 

Vertical Gardens 
France again under ¬ firmament of their status zakonodatelnitsy mod. Europe became enthusiastic but ¬ new toy: a designer and botanist Patrick Blanc has invented a way to decorate the walls of houses so-called «ver ¬ tikalnymi gardens». In ¬ break than these gardens can be both outside and inside buildings.

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