Sunday, February 8, 2009

2nd District of Paris

What would understand the spirit of the area of Paris, just a walk on the boulevard Sebastopol. Here and shops, and architecture, and people who snuyut in the streets all day and do not understand, who works in Paris? Generally, the best way to explore Paris, to do it walking, crossing the border areas, and feeling different moods ... see the intersection of time and space. And little Paris, suddenly turns into a huge metropolis, and it suddenly becomes a small quiet village. 
This area is known for its majestic buildings constructed in the early 20 th century for the large textile syndicates and most major newspapers and magazines. The architects used the new techniques, where the stone walls of the building and hid for the whole facade of glass, which was justified not only by new currents in architecture, and industrial necessity. Therefore, as publishers and textile factories were in need of extensive coverage of the premises. A striking example of an industrial building at the address: 124 rue Réaumur (architecte Georges Chedanne, 1905) 

Quartier du Sentier 
This is a great center of fashion industry. Here are concentrated the production of clothing and accessories. Since the 19 th century, a large number of buildings were constructed with the need for daylight, and this quarter, until today has not changed its specialization. Fashion and multimedia exercise authority is now the second century. 

La place du Caire, Cairo area. 
Cairo and the streets around the mall, due to its name and design of Egypt. This is all focused on Napoleon's campaign in 1798. Clear in the same year, for many years this quarter, specialized in producing mannequins for shop windows. 

Quartier Montorgueil. 
Nowadays, very оживлен the area and from neighboring areas come here to shop. A particularly strong influence on the change in the situation that in 1990 made a pedestrian zone is a lively place where the market is always ready to offer you all the most recent. 
Bridge laid out with marble, have a lot of seating and restored the beauty of the past facades. 

Tour de Jean sans Peur, 20 rue Etienne Marcel 
Duke Burgonsky, Jean fearless in the struggle for the throne from his brother King Charles 6, killed the Duke of Orleans, Louis. This is an event in 1407, provoked a civil war. Then, the duke had strengthened his castle in order to avoid retaliation (although he was assassinated in 1419). Then in 1543, it was destroyed by François the first. 
The fortress tower is actually the only monument the Middle Ages, preserved in a pristine form.

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